Wednesday is School

Last night was good because I ate licorice with my cat and watched TV. Training was good, but I felt it, having missed a week because of the staph. No training tomorrow, so I’m gonna hit the gym a little harder, and maybe Kacy and I will ride the bike. I am still trying to figure out how to turn comments on this thing. We may go to the cabin this weekend or maybe just chill at home. Either way, it’s gonna be busy. I need to surf on Sunday afternoon, no matter what. I need to turn in a discussion post today, and so far, the reading is pretty interesting and has made me more interested in the gnostics for some reason. I need to figure out a movie to watch on Saturday because I have a feeling I’ll be doing a lot of laying around. Kacy gets back tonight, so I may try to get something good from Costco to eat. Maybe frozen pizza.

I gave away my old skateboard press mold. I was hoping the person had his own press, which he did.




Made it to Tuesday