Made it to Tuesday
Gonna train tonight. So far, it has been a productive day. I voted, did some work, and now I am gonna edit. Plus, I am posting. I do need to do a significant amount of reading today, so there’s that. I gave away my old skateboard mold to, thankfully, a guy who already has a press and knows the process. I will go to Ace Studios in Oceanside and talk to them about carrying some of my art. Jon Henry put me in touch with them. Oh, and I voted. Please let this election end soon. So much to do, but at least my energy levels are back. I was pretty sluggish the past three days. I still need to edit that crafting video, and really, I need to get creative with the analog horror stuff. I need to focus on schoolwork. Today has turned busy. Also, here is the video I am currently working on for the school.